US and EU Legislation on Privacy & Algorithms

Privacy Talks: US and EU Legislation on Privacy and Algorithms

US and EU Legislation on Privacy and Algorithms

Privacy has stormed into our lives and data governance is getting more attention. With a new requirement, by the American Data Protection and Privacy Act (ADPPA), privacy and data protection is now entering our code.

ADPPA is expanding, adding new requirements to assess algorithms carefully, and contains detailed requirements to assess the impact and design of algorithms applied to personal information.

And as ADPPA shares this new model, others will follow…

Either the federal or state legislation are likely to require companies to have greater insights into their algorithms, along with the personal data used to generate those algorithms.

Meanwhile, the European Union is working to finalize its Artificial Intelligence Act, with sweeping requirements for companies to understand their algorithms and be prepared to justify their actions in risk assessments.

Join our expert, Professor Peter Swire, on this 25 minutes on demand webinar, to learn

  • What are the recent updates on US and EU legislation developments
  • How to “shift left” in a company’s management of personal data
  • How to be ready for new compliance challenges

Watch now!

Picture of Uzy Hadad
Uzy Hadad


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